Batagianni Gallery

Time – Timeless

Efsevia Mihailidou

March 9, 2024 - April 13, 2024

Image depicting the artwork named Άποψη Χώρου / Point of view.Image depicting the artwork named Άποψη Χώρου / Point of view.Image depicting the artwork named Λεπτομέρεια - Ροή, 2023, 71εκ x 100εκ χαρτιά, μελάνι, ακρυλικά.Image depicting the artwork named Ροή, 2023, 71εκ x1μ, χαρτιά, μελάνι, ακρυλικά.Image depicting the artwork named Διαδρομές, 2023, 64εκ x 72εκ, πηλός, χαρτιά, ακρυλικά.Image depicting the artwork named Ένωση, 2023-2024, 41εκ x 41εκ, χαρτοταινίες, χαρτόνι, πηλός.Image depicting the artwork named Μνήμες, 2023-2024, 51εκ x 70εκ, χαρτόνι, στόκος, πηλός, χαρτιά.Image depicting the artwork named Πέρασμα, 2022-2023, 1μ x 1,23μ, πηλός, χαρτιά, χαρτόνι, μελάνι, ακρυλικά.Image depicting the artwork named Πτήση, 2023, 41εκ x 41εκ, χαρτιά, ακρυλικά.Image depicting the artwork named Πύλη, 2023, 1μ x 1,39μ, πηλός, χαρτιά, ακρυλικά.

About the exhibition

In this body of work Time – Timeless, presented by the Batagianni Gallery, Efsevia Mihailidou focuses mainly on the archetype of the spiral, which appears everywhere in nature, from seashells to galaxies. Since ancient times it has symbolized time, the harmonization of existence with the universe and the collective Spirit, and the “weaving” of the web of life. Mihailidou’s works are a passage from the conscious to the unconscious, from the rational to the emotional and the instinctιve, from the past to the present and the future and vice versa.

She creates the symbol of the spiral and incorporates it into her works, which include the structure, the form and the plasticity of painting as well as sculpture, by bringing together different materials such as paper, cardboard, paper tape, putty, clay, acrylic paints and inks. As in her previous bodies of work, she seeks to give the impression of the fossil and the decay of matter. But now, they are not rendered by the use of natural and organic materials. Working thoroughly and almost obsessively, she manages to create the illusion of using natural and organic materials.

Mihailidou wishes the viewers to return to their roots and to feel the primordial forces of nature. She aims to unite with it through the process of creation, which for her, is a ritual of purification and spiritual exaltation as well as a process of search of her inner world.

Stratis Pantazis
Art Historian and Curator

Zafeiro Vlachou

© 2024 Batagianni Gallery, Made by Thanos Valimitis